Food defense

Product recalls, e.g. in case of contamination or safety defects, not only cause economic losses, but also unsettle customers and damage your company’s reputation.
With Infinitum Risk Solutions professional crisis management, we provide you with comprehensive support in such an event. In addition to the preparation of a recall and action plan, we take care of creating an appropriate briefing for dealing with your employees as well as the final public relations.
In the case of intentional contamination or manipulation with subsequent product extortion, Infintium Risk Solutions additionally offers you, among other things, a risk and vulnerability analysis which establishes an appropriate crisis management plan, conducts negotiations with the perpetrators and supports you to develop a PR strategy.

Whether you’re dealing with consumer complaints, unauthorized physical access to production facilities or the industry 4.0 security of your recently networked production processes – potential crisis triggers can often be identified and eliminated within the framework of early detection.

Whether for product recalls, dealing with consumer complaints or cases of APT and MPT. We prepare your company for possible crisis situations outside normal operations.

Should a crisis occur, we will provide you with full support. Whether it’s inbound or outbound communication we help you to support your customers. We offer all necessary resources for your crisis management in the event of food safety issues caused by cybercriminals.

Is your company adequately prepared to deal with malicious product tampering?